I didn’t taste this one back to back with the others but it has gotten so much press that when I was able to get it I thought I should review it. It comes in a cool black bottle. It looks nice but one of my relatively few criticisms of the liquor is that you can’t see how much of it is left. You don’t realize what a pain that is until you get an opaque bottle.
It has a middling amount of alcohol at 30%. It has a bright yellow color with a slightly green tinge in certain lights. The aroma is bright and clean, you smell more lemon than alcohol. The flavor is fairly smooth overall. It starts out very smooth and then warms up on the palate with alcohol kick. It has a medium weight on the palate and very few, if any, off flavors.
This is a very well-balanced limoncello and I’d say it is by far the best of the commercial limoncellos I’ve reviewed. I’ve had homemade batches that I like better but it has few faults as a commercial product. All of the other brands have something that stands out as strange about the flavor and this one has no such vices. It’s somewhat more expensive than the others but well worth it in my opinion.
Ben- fear not… they are out there. Rare indeed but I came upon half dozen in Santa Barbra… shared all and saved a couple . Just got to find them… it was really REALLY good…