Mojitocello - Lime Zest with Mint - LimoncelloQuest

Mojitocello – Lime Zest with Mint


I should have posted this review while it was still summertime but better late than never I guess. This is actually batch #12 for those who follow along. I wanted to get fancy and do a batch that tasted like a Mojito.

Here’s the recipe I used:

Liquor: One bottle of 151 Proof Everclear

Liquor filtration: 5x

Lemons: 14 scrubbed organic limes plus one mint leaf torn in half

Days peels and liquor rested: 36

Simple Syrup – Cups Sugar: 1.75, Cups Water: 2.5

Final filtration: 4x

There were a few things wrong with this attempt. The first is pretty obvious, lime zest doesn’t taste like lime flesh. So unless I use lime juice in the future I don’t think the finished product will really taste like Mojito. I also used far too little mint, it was barely detectable in the flavor.

Here were my tasting notes:

Has the typical lime-cello green color and the texture is extra dense. Tastes like a sweet batch of lime-cello, you can hardly detect the lime that would make it mojito-like. There’s a hint of mint on the finish but this doesn’t taste like a mojito.

Despite the fact that it didn’t turn out as I’d initially hoped, this was a tasty batch. I may repeat it and add 10 mint leaves instead of one next time.

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(4) comments

English Mum November 29, 2008

I can’t believe you’ve got en entire blog devoted to limoncello. Makes my effort seem a bit paltry!

Dario December 3, 2008

Hi there, i just implemented the ‘subscribe to comments’ on so I don’t know if you’ll see that I replied to your comment.

Here it is:


jafagessy March 1, 2009

Thank you!

Hasyim September 21, 2014

Oh, and I used only Everclear, it sat for 30 days with the peels, it sat for 30 days after adding the sipmle syrup, I stirred it once a day for the 60 days. Put some in each bottle and put them in the freezer before giving as gifts with a shot glass. The large jar was not ever in the freezer. It has sat in a corner on a counter that gets no sunlight and not much electric lights on it. And a partridge in a pear tree! LOL! Thanks:) BOP

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