I haven’t had a batch to post about in a while and now I have several. Here is the first of the new crop:
Liquor: Two 750ml bottles of Everclear 151
Liquor filtration: 5x
Lemons: 17 Non-organic, waxed and scrubbed
Days peels and liquor rested: 63
Simple Syrup – Cups Sugar: 3, Cups Water: 5
Days syrup rested with infusion: 30
Final filtration: 4x
The big difference in this batch was the use of less sugar, I used one cup less than normal to see if I could reduce the overly sweet taste of my standard recipe. The smell and color of the finished product looked good, perhaps a bit lighter yellow than normal. The sugar reduction worked, it doesn’t taste sweet now. However, the alcohol is much more apparent in the flavor now. A one cup reduction may have been too much. The next time I’ll try a 1/2 cup reduction. The flavor seems lighter with less sugar, it has some redeeming qualities there but overall it’s just too harsh. It will take a long time in the cellar to make this batch smooth.
[…] admin wrote a fantastic post today on “Batch #4 Results”Here’s ONLY a quick extractLiquor: Two 750ml bottles of Everclear 151 Liquor filtration: 5x Lemons: 17 Non-organic, waxed and scrubbed Days peels and liquor rested: 63 Simple Syrup – Cups Sugar: 3, Cups Water: 5 Days syrup rested with infusion: 30 … […]