Chilly Berry Margarita - A Craft Limoncello Cocktail Recipe

Chilly Berry Margarita

Mixed Drinks with Limoncello

Nothing beats the summer heat like this Chilly Berry Margarita. I once had one in Florida at an early dinner (~3:15pm) and received a brief respite from the sensation that I was being deep fried by the Florida sun. Florida isn't for Scandinavians, just sayin'...

The Chilly Berry Margarita - A Limoncello Cocktail from LimoncelloQuest

Now this recipe makes two drinks, so don't be a stingy lush like me and try to keep them both because they melt. Also, strawberries contain a lot of pesticides so be sure to buy organic if you're feeling ridiculous.

Chilly Berry Margarita
Prep Time
10 mins
Servings: 2
  • 4 oz Tequila
  • 4 oz Limoncello
  • 1 cup Fresh or Frozen Strawberries
  • 2 oz Simple Syrup
  • 2 oz Lemon Juice
  • 2 oz Orange Juice
  • Sugar, Salt, Lemon Zest, Lemon Slices (for garnish)
  1. Combine all ingredients (except garnishes) in a high-powered blender with 5 or so ice cubes.

  2. Combine sugar, salt and lemon zest in a shallow dish. Dip the rim of a margarita glass into simple syrup, then sugar/salt/zest combination.

  3. Pour blended drink into prepared glass.

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The Chilly Berry Margarita - A Limoncello Cocktail from LimoncelloQuest

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